Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The 4 Sisters of Summer Hair Care

You don't need to be a stylist to know what to do when high noon and high temps meet.  Because it should be obvious that this sets the table for dry, damaged hair that has a mind of its own if you aren't careful and take precautions.  Yet while obvious, some of these precautions are too easily overlooked. 

Of course you might try to avoid the great outdoors altogether.  Yet who can stay indoors all the time?  Besides who wants to when picnics, pool time and gatherings with friends and family beckon? 

Luckily when the heat is on there are steps anyone can take to insure their fine hair is ready for prime  time rather than hay harvest time. 

And you don't have to be a Kardashian or have access to their gaggle of Hollywood hair stylists to pull this off. 

All you need do is remember four simple words: Snip, SPF, Shampoo and Shield.  Those are the four sisters of summer hair care that will serve you well whenever the temps soar and your hair wilts. 

Snip, SPF, Shampoo and Shield Explored

Okay so "snip" should be obvious.  And it means just what it says.  To keep split ends in check you want to get regular dustings of those fragile ends.  Good advice any time.  Better advice during those sultry summer months when your ends are most vulnerable.

SPF should be no mystery either. Because just like you wouldn't dare expose your skin to the sun without a good layer of protective sunscreen, you shouldn't expose your tresses to the sun's harmful rays without applying a protective SPF laden product to protect them either. 

Look, we both know those UV rays can do a number on those delicate strands of yours.  Leaving you with dull, dry hair and that is more prone to breaking.  Yet all of which can be avoided by the application of a UV protectant spray. You can find products by L'Oreal, Aveda, Frederic Fekkai and others that can shield your mane from the damaging effects of the sun with little more than a few pumps of protective mist.

Then the summer months are no time for harsh shampoos.  Well, when is?  But it is the time to break out the mild, gentle shampoos like Bumble & Bumble Gentle Shampoo for instance.  As one reviewer on Amazon so eloquently put it, it's gentle, moisturizing, color friendly and just all around awesome.  What more could you ask for?  Naturally there are others that are gentle yet do the job of cleansing your hair too.  Again with names you'd recognize. 

Tip: When the weather outside is sizzling hot it's best to use lukewarm to cool water to suds down your locks.  Keeps the cuticle smoother which keeps the frizzies away, you know?. 

Finally if all else fails you can also "shield" your hair from the sun.  A stylist scarf or cute yet chic floppy hat is just the ticket to keep the rays at bay. 

So there you have it. While summer means outdoor fun, barbecues, dips in the pool, and trips to the beach, it doesn't have to mean hair that's fried and damaged beyond belief.  Not if you'll remember : Snip, SPF, Shampoo and Shield.