Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Six Reasons to Embrace Flirty Bangs

Girly bangs are both trendy and can almost magically reshape your face.  They work wonders for hiding a high forehead or bringing a sense of balance to things.  So is it any wonder they are so popular?  But in case this is news to you, here are six reasons why you should embrace bangs with open arms. 

Low to Maintain.  No need to set the alarm earlier than you have to so you can attend to them.  A bit of brushing and that's it.  Just make sure you keep them trimmed every few weeks, something you can learn to do yourself, and you're ready to face the world.

Eye Appeal.   Turns out bangs bring out the best in your eyes.  So if you're going for sexy and smoldering, bangs can help with that. Yeah they can.

Check bones, anyone?  They also bring extra definition to your face placing an emphasis on your cheek bones.  Plus you get the added benefit of a more angular shaped face, even if yours is not. 

Flexible look.  Bangs people soon come to find out you can easily pin them off your face when you feel like it for a somewhat different look. 

Fuller look.  Another bit of hair style alchemy bangs help you to effortlessly pull off is a sense of fullness.  As in a fuller head of hair. 

Trimmed and Ready.  It bears repeating that they will need to be kept nicely trimmed which can be annoying.  Yet some stylist will do that for you gratis.  Or you and a friend can do each other's.  Just takes a few snips and everything's back to neat and tidy. 

In any case, anyone looking for a subtle change that can deliver a dramatically different look should seriously consider bangs. No color change needed.  No agony over lopping off inches of carefully and lovingly tended hair.  No nothing.  Clip a bit off the front and guess what?  A whole new you emerges from the mist.  Ready to grace the cover of any fashion magazine.  The bangs train is leaving the station.  What's keeping you from jumping on?

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