Friday, September 28, 2012

Mirror Mirror On The Wall and All That Jazz

Who doesn't fondly remember the "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest..." phrase uttered in Snow White?  If nothing else it brings back memories of a simpler time before worries about split ends, dry hair, and faded color took over our lives.  A time when we might even believe a mirror could talk and answer a question like that. 

But what if it was true?  What if your bathroom mirror could offer you personalized beauty advice?  What would your mirror tell you about your mane and how you are caring for it?  The results might surprise you.  Let's quickly explore a few questions inquiring minds might put to your very own magic mirror and see what it might reveal. 

Mirror Mirror On the Wall - What's the best shampoo of them all?

Without naming names your mirror might share with you that the best bottle for the job is one that leaves your locks feeling fabulously clean and looking smooth and sleek.  Yes, any more your suds can do more than just get your hair clean.  This is also why some find it best to use the same brand of shampoo and conditioner in tandem, since they are often designed to complement each other.  And if your mane goal is dazzling shine look for silicones or any words ending with - icone on the label.  Silicones also work to give you hair that is smoother and frizz free. 

Oh and while the price of your fav grime fighter matters, it may not matter as much as you think.  Drug store brands count of selling massive quantities to keep prices down.  This spreads the cost of their never ending research over more units to keep the price low.  Salon brands focus on gentle cleansing with high concentrations of the good stuff inside - meaning you'll need less to do the job.  Either way a great shampoo is one that works for your hair.  With the amount of product used usually making the cost per shampoo about the same - if you bother to follow the directions on the label. 

Mirror Mirror On the Wall - How can I be frizz free forever and all?

Who wouldn't want that?  A wise mirror would look at your hair type before answering.  And then answer carefully. But in general you want to start sleek by using the right shampoo and conditioner.  Then you want to dry right using your hair dryer of choice in a way that works with your hair type.  Finally, and only if need be, hot iron out the frizz limiting the width of the section of hair treated to no more than two inches.  That's because we both know running too much hair through the iron at once leads to uneven heating which can leave open the door to frizziness later.  And for heaven's sakes, don't forget the heat protectant! 

Mirror Mirror On the Wall - How can I add body and volume to these finest locks of them all?

Don't look now, but your mirror weeps inside when it sees your limp, lifeless, fine tresses. It's aching to tell you to use a volumizing mousse or spray.  Suggesting you get one of each that is heat activated so you are pumping up the volume while blow drying.  And sure, you want to use a generous amount.  Just don't get carried away.  Yes, mousse is incredibly forgiving and it hard to go overboard with it.  Still the idea is bouncy, flexible volume not a sticky, brittle, stiff mess that looks like it would break off if touched.

Mirror Mirror On the Wall - How can I have mega body, boundless bounce and endless movement and all?

Your all seeing mirror knows you are referring to the cut with this question, rather than using product to achieve those outcomes.  Which is a good thing too.  Because there's a secret your beauty mirror knows that you apparently do not.  It comes down to one word.  Layers.  This is an understated way to instill the beautifying movement you seek.  Layers can frame your face in a flattering way.  They can eliminate extra weight that may be weighing your hair down.  Done right, layers can create the illusion of volume where none exists.  They can give your look a whole new vib and vitality.  What more could you want?

In the end, does the mirror know best?  Could be.  As these are some proven ways to refresh your look and give a sexier edge to a tired style.  So fear not the mirror.  Embrace it's advice.  And you too can have hair that reflects a 10 when held up to the critical, all knowing eye of mirror. 

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