Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Proven Hair Color Ideas for Sexy, Flirty, Luscious Curls

Oh no.  Not again!  Your curly locks are displaying a mind of their own, are they? Willfully disobeying your most fervent wish that they'd settle down and just look pretty.  When was the last time that rebellious streak struck?  Oh yeah right.  Yesterday.

Okay so you can't tame your wild and crazy curls.  Same old song sung many times before I'm afraid.  And this despite all the chemical straightening and blow drying 'til your arms fall off and what naught?  Frustrating, isn't it?

Unfortunately this is the sad reality for some mop tops.  No matter what they do they are stuck with free spirited to downright unruly curls with a mind of their own.  And come what may they choose to live life without the inconvenience of a safety net.  A tendency which really comes to life when the humidity spikes. 

Of course maybe you are putting your emphasis on the wrong place.  Perhaps you'd be better off to embrace the curls for who they are.  And focus instead on something you have more control over.  What's that, you ask?  Why the color of your tresses naturally. 

It really is true that you can put an end to this unending dispute with your hair if you'll but surrender and focus on something you can control.  Again I'm suggesting it be the color. Which puts looking stunning once again within your grasp. 

Assuming this sounds appealing for anyone weary of fighting the curl wars, here's a home coloring tip or two to keep in mind should you decide to go that route. 

Follow the Yellow Brick Road:  First and much like Dorothy, you don't want to start from just anywhere and end up anywhere.  That, in the end, will get you nowhere.  Successful home hair coloring requires following a bit of a road map, or a plan, with a starting point nearest the scalp and a destination down at the ends.  Keeping in mind the oldest hair, the ends, has suffered the most environmental damage.  That likely makes them more porous and receptive to hair dye molecules.  Which is why you want to end up there rather than start there. Otherwise you could end up with darker ends when compared to the roots. 

A Section At a Time:  Oh and without a map you risk missing swaths of hair.  For that problem sectioning is the answer.  This way you can thoroughly work the product into each section insuring equal opportunity coloring, if you will.  Or avoiding ending up with the dreaded hit and miss dye job.

Be Peroxide Free: It's most advisable that home hair colorers  with curly hair avoid anything with peroxide.  Not only are such products harder on your hair, they are riskier too.  Meaning you could mess up and end up with more problems than just unruly curls.  Knowing as we do that curly hair tends to be dryer hair anyway.

What Color, Please?  Finally, if you want gorgeous curls oozing with confidence you might pick up a box that is a shade darker than the color you seek.  Just another idea some have found helpful.  And that's just a shade of difference, rather than a lot shades. 

Okay so I can't guarantee that wedding color with a more relaxed attitude towards your curls will get you on the cover of People magazine. But it might make them easier to live with regardless. 

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