Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Don’t Ignore the Basics of Hair Care

Every now and again it's good to revisit the basics of hair care.  Busy lives oftentimes dictate developing a morning routine we can follow mindlessly even if our brain isn't fully engaged yet.  Or your hectic schedule in the evening with homework, or the kids and their homework and what naught may require an end of day routine you can run through despite being dead tired as you prep your hair and face for a rejuvenating and restful night's slumber. 

Don't get me wrong.  There's nothing wrong with routines.  They can help us get thru the daily drudge without having to think too hard.  But for some, routines can turn into ruts.  And a rut by its very definition means we may be ignoring or excluding some useful things we should be doing but aren't because we've forgotten or feel we don't have time or whatever.  Know what I mean?

So maybe it's time to think outside the hair care box you find yourself in.  The one you've grown accustomed to.  Let's start that process by looking at seven elements of hair care you ignore at the peril of your tresses.

For starters let me ask you, could your pillow be damaging your hair?  Well your pillow case more specifically.  It's a little known fact that if you want to avoid roughing up your cuticles as you sleep you want to sleep with either a satin scarf firmly in place or on a satin pillow case.  In other words cotton pillow cases are out.

Tangles an issue?  They aren't pleasant are they?  Whatever you do don't use a brush to remove them.  A wide tooth comb is best. Better still is to make use of the comb when your hair is slick with conditioner. 

If your hair tends to the dry side maybe a little shea butter, or products containing shea butter, would be just what the shine doctor ordered.  It can add badly needed moisture your locks are lacking naturally. Making it a worthy addition to your hair care routine, don't you think?

Mind if I ask when was your last scalp massage?  If you don't know or it was long ago, well that's not good.  Since a few minutes invested regularly in doing that can encourage better circulation to those all-important hair follicles and to stimulate natural oil production.

Exercise regularly?  Good for you.  Problem is exercise and sweaty hair often go hand in hand.  The idea would be to rinse the salt out of your hair even if you aren't able to shampoo it.  Then just apply a leave in conditioner and you're more or less set. 

Speaking of conditioner if your routine doesn't include deep conditioning at least once a month, it should.  Others find that using a leave in conditioner helps with their hair.  Naturally you'll want to experiment to see if you get equally good results by doing so.  But it's something to consider.

Finally you're better off working with your hair type rather than constantly fighting to get a look your hair doesn't naturally sustain.  While it just makes sense too few do this. Yet the less you fight your hair to get the look you want, the less stressed both you and your hair will be.  In other words calling a hair truce and going with the flow is just smart hair management. 

It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway.  The better you treat your hair the better it will look.  This is little more than the basics of haircuts and styles for some.   Yet too often we get caught up in the rush of everyday life that we take shortcuts with our hair care routine to save time and effort.  Yet as these seven points show, any hair care routine can benefit from hitting the reset switch and taking a look at what you are or are not doing and why. 

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